So, I've been in Japan for a couple of days now.
The trip was HORRIBLE. My plan on sleeping only 1.5 hours before going, so I could be able to sleep on the plane, didn't work out at all. I slept a total of 1.5 hours on the plane, at most. And at Heathrow airport, I was so hungry and so tired. I had some weird burger that didn't taste anything, and tried to read my book, but it was really hard when being so tired. Add to that that I had a cold at the time, my throat was drying up every now and then and I had to drink tons of water. It was really hard sitting comfortable for 11 hours on an airplane as well, even though I bought an awesome neck support pillow!
BUT! There were also some awesome things on the trip! For example, I met a funny family on the plane to Heathrow, they were going to New York for a couple of weeks, and we had some fun conversations. And on the plane to Narita I sat next to a Japanese couple that had been to their honeymoon in Spain for 8 days, and they started talking to me (I even got a high five when saying congratulations!). I got to use my Japanese skills a little as well which was very exciting. I also watched "How to Train Your Dragon" on the flight, and it was awesome!
When I stepped out of the airplane it felt like something was wrong. It was like walking into an aquarium, it was so humid! And I had some troubles finding my friend Flink at the airport, since we were at different exits. But I bought two phone cards (one was eaten by the machine so I had to get another one) and asked a guard to help me use a pay phone to get in touch with Flink. After like 15 minutes, he had realized that he'd been waiting at another exit and made his way to where I was.
1.5 hours (something like that) was the time it took by train to Warabi where I live. Even that trip was horrible because my ears were feeling blocked, and my nose was blocked, and it was warm and I was super tired.
When we arrived we had some food at a fast food place. It was really funny to hear the staff saying "hello" and "good bye" to all the customers as they arrived and left the restaurant, and all the automatic lines they were saying all the time. People say you grow tired of it over time, but at the time it was awesome.
But at least I was there. I was done. The trip was over, and now I'm here. I'll give you more details of the stay in another entry, coming up soon!
Sounds like you're living the dream Bill!
SvaraRaderaLong flights never go as planned :( Now post more pictures ;)
SvaraRaderaHahaha! Yeah! I just got home from a tiny (TINY) bar called Grasp! But we discovered some small stairs next to the entrance, so we went up and checked it out, and it was a super expensive karaoke bar, so we had to pay 300sek just go get in there, without knowing it! xD But it was awesome!
Olle: True that. I will work on the pictures! I forget the camera all the time!