I just found that myspace has finally updated the video section so I'm posting a link to Ultimate Awesome's videos right HERE! Check them out now! Because now me and my friend, Bill, are getting ready for creating some new brutal awesomeness here in Japan!
If you want to see some pictures my friend took from the national museum of Tokyo (and some other photos) you can check my friend Erik's blog.
Oh, and I'm sorry for being really bad at updating. I guess I don't live an interesting enough life here to have anything to tell you about. Or I'm living a too interesting life to have time to write blogs? Well, I'll leave the answer to your imagination and have a great night!
And remember to live your life you want, not the one others expect you to live! (Think about it ;D)
Great! Im looking forward to get some new ear-gasms for your new Ibanez, and wishing you good luck with the music over där in Japan. You should make a cover of "Big in Japan" and name it "Awesome in Japan"! Have a great weekend!
SvaraRaderaHar för några dagar sedan insett att det finns en Andreas Dahl , en gammal kollega till mig, som pluggar japanska i Tokyo. Stöter du på honom kan du ju hälsa!