fredag 25 februari 2011

T-shirt in February!?

Around 11.30 I stepped outside the door today. I had put on a sweater and a jacket, as the weather is usually a bit to cold to have just a sweater at moment, but what the hell? It was 20+ outside, and I could walk in T-shirt, even in the shadowy places! I was shocked, it happened so fast! Last week we built a snowman...

Me and my friend Marcus decided to get off at the station before our destination to take a walk instead, and it was awesome. I really love the spring and the autumn in Japan, the temperature is so good!

Another thing is that I've successfully adjusted my daily rhythm by 30 minutes every day this week, so I'm back to getting up at 6.30 (tomorrow), instead of 9, the time I went up last monday. It feels great to have reclaimed the mornings, and I'm planning on putting it back just a little more, and find the time that fits best at the moment! : )

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4 kommentarer:

  1. I get up at 10.30 and go to bed at like 2-3 :P
    6.30 is insane...

  2. Maybe! But I like early mornings, and I like doing things before I get tired from school, because then I just get home and don't want to do much at all afterwards. And I'm used to early mornings as well.

  3. 6:30 på eget initiativ låter ganska skönt, för vad gör man _egentligen_ de där sena kvällarna?

    Ska pröva något liknande, kanske 7 eller så... :)

  4. Måste erkänna att pga lite förseningar så blev det "bara" 7 två dagar i rad, men sen tog jag igen det med att gå upp 6 i morse. Inte helt frivilligt, men jag hade långt att åka och skulle vara framme vid 9 på morgonen, så det blev tidig uppgång =)

    Ja, sena kvällar har inte varit så produktiva som jag kanske önskat ^^ Kör hårt Oskar!
