Last night we said goodbye to two Swedes moving back to Sweden. One of them is done with school and isn't coming back, he was scheduled to go home in 2 weeks anyways, and the other one might be coming back in a month. It was really sad, and it feels empty here. Many people who lived in the guest house have gone to Korea or Sweden, and today one guy moved south to Osaka. The guest house company, J&F, have fixed so that you can move to southern guest houses, transferring your rent over there, so it doesn't cost anything.
Isak, who moved back for good (at least this time) to Sweden last night got the last Mitsuya Cider från the Jidouhanbaiki (自動販売機), and I got the last Boku Bento (僕弁当) from 7/11 today.
Another friend, Marcus, who's also going to Korea, used his skill of expert timing, and broke a patched tooth this morning (on bread that I baked... It feels pretty bad), so he's gonna check up a dentist in Korea when we get there.
But at least we made a good fruit sallad today :) And my laundry is almost completely dry from last night!
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Som någon skrev innan - skönt att allt står bra till med dig. Intressant att läsa om ditt perspektiv på det hela också. :)
SvaraRaderaGood luck wishes your Auntie. I hope you'll find a place to stay in Korea. According to my daughter in law who is adopted from Korea and has spent some time there studying it is pretty difficult to find a decent place.
SvaraRaderaA big hug,
It's fine :D I went with a Korean friend, so we're staying at her place :)
SvaraRaderaHugs! :)