torsdag 16 september 2010

Frag count ++

YEYEYEAH! My first frag is confirmed. I was making my bed the other day, and noticed a small brown orange thing by the wall in the bed. So I reached for it to pick it up, but it ran away. So I picked up my spray of demolition and KILLED THE LIVING FUCKING SHIT (excuse the language) out of it. FUCK YEAH!

Anyways, to the other good news: I've preformed so awesomely in school that I get to jump ahead a few chapters and start in a new class after fall vacation! :O It's awesome but also a bit sad. I like my class, but if I never try something new I'll miss out on tons of stuff, so I'll do it. We've finished 3/4 of our tests for this semester. This far we've done: Listening, speaking and reading. On wednesday we'll have writing.

Next week we have monday and thursday off, and after friday fall vacation starts! It's about one and a half week I think.

Tomorrow we're going to a zoo, and on Saturday, my friends and I are going to Tokyo Game Show. Pretty awesome I'd say.

Other things have happened as well but, I have to go to the bathroom. Maybe I'll tell you some other time. We'll, that's it for now!