torsdag 26 augusti 2010


I've been sleeping alright for two nights now but I can still notice that before that I'd been sleeping pretty bad for quite a few nights, because I'm still tired even if I sleep slightly more than eight hours a night. But at least I'm getting the daily rythm back on track. We had a Japanese test last week. I got 93/100, so I'm pretty happy. The errors were things like forgetting a letter here and there and that's pretty much it. Still, I'm aiming for a better score next time. We had a kanji test yesterday and I think I almost nailed it. 18/20.

I think the teachers here are pretty good but they all have the same few flaws. They keep repeating that things are difficult and hard, instead of encouraging by saying "it gets easier over time" or "it might seem hard, but just practice and you'll get there". It really does have effect when teachers are encouraging instead of almost giving you excuses not to learn things because they're very very hard. And also they divide the reading between girls and boys sometimes, and it's just unncessary. But here they really make difference on girls and boys. Girls can only be beautiful, and boys can only be handsome. You can't call a guy beautiful and you can't call a girl handsome, even though sometimes that's the case.

Well I'm just gonna stick with being an "otonna" which is a mix between "otoko" and "onna" which means "man" and "woman", because I'm apparently not living up to the Japanese standard of a man. Men can't be scared of insects or cry to movies ^^ I guess that's what people think in the west as well when I come to think about it. Fuck that, I cry as much as I want when I watch movies!

Oh, now Hannes called me on skype, I'll write another entry later. Have it good ;D

måndag 23 augusti 2010


So anyways I was in Ikebukuro yesterday with some friends and checked out some guitars. I tried one out and got to rock out with an electric one and it felt sooo good! I really miss playing electric guitar. At least I've been acting guitar teacher for a Korean girl for a week now and she seemed to be satisfied, so maybe I can do this for almost a living some day?

Summer break is over and the school has moved to a new building. It smells like smoke on the whole third floor and the sound isolation guys was probably on vacaccion during the building project.

Today I was really brutally tired in school because I had a surprise guest in my room last night. No, it wasn't a hot romance, I'm as sorry as you are for that, but it was something like it. At least I was lying sweating all night and didn't get too much sleep, so it was pretty much the same thing. Anyways it all started with me lying in my bed hearing some noises. They were really coming from outside the window but I thought it was from inside the room so I sat up and switched on the light and started to look around for a bit. Everything seemed to be alright, until I got the idea to check under the bed. I laid down flat on my stomach in my bed and glanced down under the bed, and oh dear, there, deep in under the bed, on the wall was... a cockroach. I was about to panic but then I convinced myself to sit up and take some deep breaths. I checked again and it had moved a bit further up the wall, and it would be hard to hit with my slipper if it crawled any further up the wall, so I quickly made up my mind to annihilate it. I grabbed my slipper, reached down under the bed and SMACK!

I missed. And the cockroach crawled up the wall and disappeared somewhere in the wall. The night... was ruined. I was lying listening to every sound, and when I was in some coma like state, something like sleep, I dreamed of cockroaches and sending Starcraft 2 marines after it. Didn't help much though. And then cats outside started making annoying noises and lots of weirds sound came from the outside. Also I woke up by the sound of my pillow falling out on the bed, dragging the computer mouse and lots of other things with it down on the floor, and I thought the cockroach was back pushing down things from my desk so the adrenaline started pumping real bad again.

So now it's war, and I've bought traps and spray of destruction for the poor bugger when IF he gets back. And I also turned down the AC to 17 degrees, I heard rumours they don't like cold temperatures and I'm a Swede, so I can take it. They also don't care much for clean rooms without food and dust lying around so I cleaned my room pretty well and placed out a trap (I have 9 more) under the bed now so I think I can sleep safe tonight.

Good night!

måndag 16 augusti 2010

Short update!


Summer vacaccion. Went to Odaiba. It was nice.
Went wall climbing. It was nice.
Went clubbing a few times. It sucked (big surprise).
I arranged a crayfish party. It was awesome.
I went to a public bath (wannabee onsen) yesterday. It was great.
I've started to get up earlier in the mornings. It's really great.
The new school building is great except that the smoking room is on the same floor as my classroom and after the FIRST DAY the school (completely new built) opened, it already smells horrible in the corridors and you can almost smell it a bit in the classrooms as well.

Bigger better badder entry, soon in your browser!

torsdag 5 augusti 2010

Star Wash

Yesterday I handwashed all my clothes. Saved me about 3o minutes of waiting for the washing machine (and 200 yen), and made it possible for me to leave with my friends earlier and go bowling and eating :D I did get a few blisters though, but that's just part of the hardening process.

And today I got my ass kicked in Starcraft 2 by the other Bill. Well well, back to the kanji studying!

tisdag 3 augusti 2010

Are wa Daniel desu ka?

This might be the funniest video I've seen in a couple of years! Please check it out!

söndag 1 augusti 2010

First run!

Today I woke up way too late again. 14.20 to be more exact. My day is turned completely upside down, so today I felt I had to do something exhausting so I can go to bed in time and wake up at a more appropriate time. So I went for my first jog since I got to Japan!

It was pain running in the heat and the humidity, and I also haven't recovered completely from a football accident almost three weeks ago. What's up with that anyways? It felt pretty nice running in my fivefingers though, and afterwards I did some bodyweight and stretching on a lawn near a temple close to where I live. Now I need water. Tons of water and breakfast.

IKEA *heart*

Today Erik, Andreas and I went to IKEA to get some quality gear to make our lives just a little easier here in Japan. It was with hearts swelling of pride that we entered the real Swedish embassy in Japan. I have to admit I was more excited about IKEA than I was about Tokyo Disney Land, and it was a more awesome experience overall.

Here are some things I thought could help me out in my daily life:
1. Bed clothing. I haven't had any since I moved here, and now the room looks a bit more like a real room.
2. Textile shelves, that you can hang in your closet so you can make better use of the height in it.
3. A coffee cup.
4. Lamps for my desk lamp that I found on the free take area in the guest house.
5. A pillow.
6. Skorpor - Kardemumma.
7. Salta Sillar.
8. Alhgrens Bilar.
9. Prästost (Priest Cheese ;D).
10. Snackers to put cheese on.
11. 3 bags of dark roasted coffee.
12. A big bowl to hand wash my clothes in.
13. An IKEA bag to use as a dirty laundry bag.

Of course we had Swedish meatballs with potatoes, brown sauce and lingonberry jam as well.

Ah, the pride :'D
I bought one of those for my nightly comfort.
Erik and me at a classic Swedish dinner table.
Isn't it lovely?
Typical Swedish dinner table. Right?
The Japanese don't care much for nice row breaks.
Wonderful names.
Almost me!
Swedish literature on the shelves.
Even the Japanese looks Swedish.
More awesome names ^
Ah, so AWESOMELY wonderful food! REAL bread!
Even Andreas pulled the corners of his mouth up, that's how awesome it was.
Erik was really really happy. Can't you see it on his face?
This was found on the train station on our way home. Maybe people will change their dirty thoughts after seeing this picture?
This is how awesome my bed looks after getting bed clothes and lamps for my desk lamp! I love it, it feels more like home now!
This was probably the best buy for today. I can use the vertical space in my closet as well now, and that saves a lot of space on my floor and my desk!

It was a great day!

And oh yeah, my computer started hating windows, so now I can't play Starcraft 2 anymore, so I'm trying to fix it as soon as possible. Let's just hope that Windows 7 doesn't kill my laptop's battery, as the rumors say.

Oyasumi nasai!