måndag 23 augusti 2010


So anyways I was in Ikebukuro yesterday with some friends and checked out some guitars. I tried one out and got to rock out with an electric one and it felt sooo good! I really miss playing electric guitar. At least I've been acting guitar teacher for a Korean girl for a week now and she seemed to be satisfied, so maybe I can do this for almost a living some day?

Summer break is over and the school has moved to a new building. It smells like smoke on the whole third floor and the sound isolation guys was probably on vacaccion during the building project.

Today I was really brutally tired in school because I had a surprise guest in my room last night. No, it wasn't a hot romance, I'm as sorry as you are for that, but it was something like it. At least I was lying sweating all night and didn't get too much sleep, so it was pretty much the same thing. Anyways it all started with me lying in my bed hearing some noises. They were really coming from outside the window but I thought it was from inside the room so I sat up and switched on the light and started to look around for a bit. Everything seemed to be alright, until I got the idea to check under the bed. I laid down flat on my stomach in my bed and glanced down under the bed, and oh dear, there, deep in under the bed, on the wall was... a cockroach. I was about to panic but then I convinced myself to sit up and take some deep breaths. I checked again and it had moved a bit further up the wall, and it would be hard to hit with my slipper if it crawled any further up the wall, so I quickly made up my mind to annihilate it. I grabbed my slipper, reached down under the bed and SMACK!

I missed. And the cockroach crawled up the wall and disappeared somewhere in the wall. The night... was ruined. I was lying listening to every sound, and when I was in some coma like state, something like sleep, I dreamed of cockroaches and sending Starcraft 2 marines after it. Didn't help much though. And then cats outside started making annoying noises and lots of weirds sound came from the outside. Also I woke up by the sound of my pillow falling out on the bed, dragging the computer mouse and lots of other things with it down on the floor, and I thought the cockroach was back pushing down things from my desk so the adrenaline started pumping real bad again.

So now it's war, and I've bought traps and spray of destruction for the poor bugger when IF he gets back. And I also turned down the AC to 17 degrees, I heard rumours they don't like cold temperatures and I'm a Swede, so I can take it. They also don't care much for clean rooms without food and dust lying around so I cleaned my room pretty well and placed out a trap (I have 9 more) under the bed now so I think I can sleep safe tonight.

Good night!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Kul inlägg. Hoppas den kommer tillbaka så att det blir en fortsättning på berättelsen. :)

  2. It's probably more dead now than it thought it could be...
